How to use

Install the package

In order to use this package you have to install it first, use your preferred package manager to install it.

npm install @kgierke/formkit-inputs
# Install it in your project
yarn add @kgierke/formkit-inputs

Setup the plugin

After you've installed the package it's time to set it up. The minimal setup requires you only to import the createFormKitInputsPlugin function and use the resulting output as plugin in your FormKit configuration. Below is an example of the minimal setup.

import createApp from "vue";
import App from "./App.vue";
import { defaultConfig, plugin } from "@formkit/vue";
import { createFormKitInputsPlugin } from "@kgierke/formkit-inputs";

const formKitInputPlugin = createFormKitInputsPlugin();

const app = createApp(App);
      plugins: [formKitInputPlugin],

Passing options

The library can be configured by passing an configuration object to the createFormKitInputsPlugin function. More details can be found in the Configurationopen in new window section.

const formKitInputPlugin = createFormKitInputsPlugin({
  // Configure the plugin here

Use it

Now you're all set up and can use the library input types in your project.

<FormKit type="image" name="image" label="Image" />