
The library can be configured by passing an configuration object to the createFormKitInputsPlugin function.

const formKitInputPlugin = createFormKitInputsPlugin({
  // Configure the plugin here
     * To use the image input type with an automatic upload function
     * you have to pass an uploadHandler function.
     * This can also be passed as a property to the `image` input type.
     * The uploadHandler receives the HTML5 `File` object
     * as first argument and expects an src string as return value.
    uploadHandler: (file: File, node: FormKitNode) => Promise<string> | string = undefined,
     * Default image input type configuration can be overwritten with the following properties.
    image: {
       * Overwrites the default key for the image id in the form data.
       * (Only applies for image inputs which accept *multiple images.)
      idKey: string = "_id",
       * Overwrites the default key for the image name in the form data.
       * (Only applies for image inputs which accept multiple images.)
      nameKey: string = "name",
       * Overwrites the default key for the image src in the form data.
       * (Only applies for image inputs which accept multiple images.)
      srcKey: string = "src",



  • Type: Function
  • Default: undefined

To use the image input type with an automatic upload function you have to pass an uploadHandler function. This can also be passed as a property to the image input type. The uploadHandler receives the HTML5 File object as first argument and expects an src string as return value.

    uploadHandler: (file: File, node: FormKitNode) => Promise<string> | string,